- class movement_primitives.kinematics.Chain(tm, joint_names, base_frame, ee_frame, verbose=0)#
Kinematic chain.
You should not call this constructor manually. Use
to create a kinematic chain.- Parameters:
- tmFastUrdfTransformManager
Transformation manager
- joint_nameslist
Names of joints that should be used
- base_framestr
Name of the base link
- ee_framestr
Name of the end-effector link
- verboseint, optional (default: 0)
Verbosity level
(joint_angles, desired_pose[, ...])Compute pose error.
(joint_angles)Forward kinematics.
Compute forward kinematics for a trajectory.
(desired_pose, initial_joint_angles)Inverse kinematics.
(H[, ...])Compute inverse kinematics for a trajectory.
(desired_pose[, ...])Compute inverse kinematics with multiple random restarts.
(...[, ...])Compute inverse kinematics with multiple random restarts.
- ee_pose_error(joint_angles, desired_pose, orientation_weight=1.0, position_weight=1.0)#
Compute pose error.
- Parameters:
- joint_anglesarray-like, shape (n_joints,)
Actual joint angles for which we compute forward kinematics.
- desired_posearray-like, shape (4, 4)
Desired pose.
- orientation_weightfloat, optional (default: 1.0)
Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the weighting for minimizing the orientation error.
- position_weightfloat, optional (default: 1.0)
Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the weighting for minimizing the position error.
- Returns:
- pose_errorfloat
Weighted error between actual pose and desired pose.
- forward(joint_angles)#
Forward kinematics.
- Parameters:
- joint_anglesarray, shape (n_joints,)
Joint angles
- Returns:
- ee2basearray, shape (4, 4)
Transformation from end-effector to base frame
- forward_trajectory(Q)#
Compute forward kinematics for a trajectory.
- Parameters:
- Qarray-like, shape (n_steps, n_joints)
Joint angles.
- Returns:
- Harray, shape (n_steps, 4, 4)
End-effector poses.
- inverse(desired_pose, initial_joint_angles, return_error=False, bounds=None, solver='SLSQP', orientation_weight=1.0, position_weight=1.0)#
Inverse kinematics.
- Parameters:
- desired_posearray, shape (4, 4)
Desired transformation from end-effector to base frame
- initial_joint_anglesarray, shape (n_joints,)
Initial guess for joint angles
- return_errorbool, optional (default: False)
Return error in addition to joint angles
- boundsarray, shape (n_joints, 2), optional (default: joint limits)
Bounds for joint angle optimization
- solverstr, optional (default: ‘SLSQP’)
Optimizer to solve inverse kinematics problem. Possible options: ‘SLSQP’, ‘L-BFGS-B’, and ‘COBYLA’.
- orientation_weightfloat, optional (default: 1.0)
Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the weighting for minimizing the orientation error.
- position_weightfloat, optional (default: 1.0)
Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the weighting for minimizing the position error.
- Returns:
- joint_anglesarray, shape (n_joints,)
- errorfloat, optional
Pose error
- inverse_trajectory(H, initial_joint_angles=None, interval=0.3141592653589793, random_restarts=True, random_state=<module 'numpy.random' from '/home/'>, solver='SLSQP', orientation_weight=1.0, position_weight=1.0)#
Compute inverse kinematics for a trajectory.
- Parameters:
- Harray-like, shape (n_steps, 4, 4)
Desired end-effector poses.
- initial_joint_anglesarray-like, shape (n_joints,), optional (default: None)
Initial guess for joint angles.
- intervalfloat
We will search for a solution within the range [joint_angles - interval, joint_angles + interval] in each step.
- random_restartsbool, optional (default: True)
Allow random restarts if no solution is found.
- random_statenp.random.RandomState, optional (default: np.random)
Random state.
- solverstr, optional (default: ‘SLSQP’)
Optimizer to solve inverse kinematics problem. Possible options: ‘SLSQP’, ‘L-BFGS-B’, and ‘COBYLA’.
- orientation_weightfloat, optional (default: 1.0)
Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the weighting for minimizing the orientation error.
- position_weightfloat, optional (default: 1.0)
Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the weighting for minimizing the position error.
- Returns:
- Qarray, shape (n_steps, n_joints)
- inverse_with_random_restarts(desired_pose, n_restarts=10, tolerance=0.001, random_state=<module 'numpy.random' from '/home/'>, solver='SLSQP', orientation_weight=1.0, position_weight=1.0)#
Compute inverse kinematics with multiple random restarts.
- Parameters:
- desired_posearray-like, shape (4, 4)
Desired pose.
- n_restartsint, optional (default: 10)
Maximum number of allowed restarts.
- tolerancefloat, optional (default: 1e-3)
Required tolerance to abort.
- random_statenp.random.RandomState, optional (default: np.random)
Random state.
- solverstr, optional (default: ‘SLSQP’)
Optimizer to solve inverse kinematics problem. Possible options: ‘SLSQP’, ‘L-BFGS-B’, and ‘COBYLA’.
- orientation_weightfloat, optional (default: 1.0)
Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the weighting for minimizing the orientation error.
- position_weightfloat, optional (default: 1.0)
Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the weighting for minimizing the position error.
- Returns:
- joint_anglesarray, shape (n_joints,)
- local_inverse_with_random_restarts(desired_pose, joint_angles, interval, n_restarts=10, tolerance=0.001, random_state=<module 'numpy.random' from '/home/'>, solver='SLSQP', orientation_weight=1.0, position_weight=1.0)#
Compute inverse kinematics with multiple random restarts.
- Parameters:
- desired_posearray-like, shape (4, 4)
Desired pose.
- joint_anglesarray-like, shape (n_joints,)
Initial guess for joint angles.
- intervalfloat
We will search for a solution within the range [joint_angles - interval, joint_angles + interval].
- n_restartsint, optional (default: 10)
Maximum number of allowed restarts.
- tolerancefloat, optional (default: 1e-3)
Required tolerance to abort.
- random_statenp.random.RandomState, optional (default: np.random)
Random state.
- solverstr, optional (default: ‘SLSQP’)
Optimizer to solve inverse kinematics problem. Possible options: ‘SLSQP’, ‘L-BFGS-B’, and ‘COBYLA’.
- orientation_weightfloat, optional (default: 1.0)
Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the weighting for minimizing the orientation error.
- position_weightfloat, optional (default: 1.0)
Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the weighting for minimizing the position error.
- Returns:
- joint_anglesarray, shape (n_joints,)