API Documentation

This is the detailed documentation of all public classes and functions. You can also search for specific modules, classes, or functions in the Index.


Dynamical Movement Primitive (DMP)

This module provides implementations of various DMP types. DMPs consist of a goal-directed movement generated by the transformation system and a forcing term that defines the shape of the trajectory. They are time-dependent and usually converge to the goal after a constant execution time.

Every implementation is slightly different, but we use a similar notation for all of them:

  • \(y,\dot{y},\ddot{y}\) - position, velocity, and acceleration; these might be translation components only, orientation, or both

  • \(y_0\) - start position

  • \(g\) - goal of the movement (attractor of the DMP)

  • \(\tau\) - execution time

  • \(z\) - phase variable, starts at 1 and converges to 0

  • \(f(z)\) - forcing term, learned component that defines the shape of the movement

  • \(C_t\) - coupling term that is added to the acceleration of the DMP

DMP(n_dims[, execution_time, dt, ...])

Dynamical movement primitive (DMP).

DMPWithFinalVelocity(n_dims[, ...])

Dynamical movement primitive (DMP) with final velocity.

CartesianDMP([execution_time, dt, ...])

Cartesian dynamical movement primitive.

DualCartesianDMP([execution_time, dt, ...])

Dual cartesian dynamical movement primitive.

DMPBase(n_pos_dims, n_vel_dims)

Base class of Dynamical Movement Primitives (DMPs).


Mixin class providing common access methods to forcing term weights.

CouplingTermPos1DToPos1D(desired_distance, lf)

Couples position components of a 2D DMP with a virtual spring.

CouplingTermObstacleAvoidance2D(...[, ...])

Coupling term for obstacle avoidance in 2D.

CouplingTermObstacleAvoidance3D(...[, ...])

Coupling term for obstacle avoidance in 3D.

CouplingTermPos3DToPos3D(desired_distance, lf)

Couples position components of a 6D DMP with a virtual spring in 3D.

CouplingTermDualCartesianPose(...[, ...])

Couples relative poses of dual Cartesian DMP.

CouplingTermObstacleAvoidance3D(...[, ...])

Coupling term for obstacle avoidance in 3D.

CouplingTermDualCartesianDistance(...[, k, ...])

Couples distance between 3D positions of a dual Cartesian DMP.

CouplingTermDualCartesianTrajectory(offset, ...)

Couples relative pose in dual Cartesian DMP with a given trajectory.

dmp_transformation_system(Y, V, alpha_y, ...)

Compute acceleration generated by transformation system of DMP.

canonical_system_alpha(goal_z, goal_t, start_t)

Compute parameter alpha of canonical system.

phase(t, alpha, goal_t, start_t[, int_dt, eps])

Map time to phase.

obstacle_avoidance_acceleration_2d(y, yd, ...)

Compute acceleration for obstacle avoidance in 2D.

obstacle_avoidance_acceleration_3d(y, yd, ...)

Compute acceleration for obstacle avoidance in 3D.


Probabilistic Movement Primitive (ProMP)

ProMPs represent distributions of trajectories.

ProMP(n_dims[, n_weights_per_dim])

Probabilistic Movement Primitive (ProMP).


Input / Output

Input and output from and to files of movement primitives.

write_pickle(filename, obj)

Write object to pickle format.


Read object from pickle format.

write_yaml(filename, obj)

Write object to YAML format.


Read object from YAML format.

write_json(filename, obj)

Write object to JSON format.


Read object from JSON format.


Base Classes

Base classes of movement primitives.

PointToPointMovement(n_pos_dims, n_vel_dims)

Base class for point to point movements (discrete motions).



Tools for loading datasets.


Load demonstrations from LASA dataset.

generate_minimum_jerk(start, goal[, ...])

Create a minimum jerk trajectory.

generate_1d_trajectory_distribution(n_demos, ...)

Generates toy data for testing and demonstration.



Forward kinematics and a simple implementation of inverse kinematics.

Kinematics(urdf[, mesh_path])

Robot kinematics.

Chain(tm, joint_names, base_frame, ee_frame)

Kinematic chain.


Plotting Tools

Tools for plotting multi-dimensional trajectories.

plot_trajectory_in_rows(trajectory[, t, ...])

Plot trajectories of N dimensions in N 2D subplots.

plot_distribution_in_rows(mean, std_dev[, ...])

Plot distribution of N dimensions in N 2D subplots.


Visualization Tools

3D visualization tools for movement primitives.

plot_pointcloud(fig, pcl_points, color[, ...])

Plot point cloud.

to_ellipsoid(mean, cov)

Compute error ellipsoid.


Potential Field of DMP

Visualization of DMP as potential field.

plot_potential_field_2d(ax, dmp, x_range, ...)

Plot 2D potential field of a DMP.


Spring-Damper Based Attractors

Spring-damper based attractors are the basis of a DMP’s transformation system.

SpringDamper(n_dims[, dt, k, c, int_dt])

Spring-damper system.

SpringDamperOrientation([dt, k, c, int_dt])

Spring-damper system for quaternions.