
movement_primitives.plot.plot_trajectory_in_rows(trajectory, t=None, label=None, axes=None, subplot_shape=None, transpose=False, axis_titles=[], **kwargs)#

Plot trajectories of N dimensions in N 2D subplots.

Note that you have to manually activate the legend for one plot if you need it.

trajectoryarray, shape (n_steps, n_dims)


tarray, shape (n_steps,), optional (default: step indices)

Time of each step

labelstr, optional (default: None)

Label that will appear in the legend for this trajectory


Matplotlib axes on which the trajectory should be plotted in each dimension.


Number of rows and number of columns.

transposebool, optional (default: False)

Fill first column first, then second column and so on. Typically, matplotlib fills rows before columns.

axis_titleslist of str, optional (default: [‘Dimension #0’, …])

Title for each dimension of the plot.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional arguments for the plot function.

axeslist of matplotlib axis

Matplotlib axes