Source code for pytransform3d.trajectories._dual_quaternions

"""Dual quaternion operations."""

import numpy as np

from ._screws import (
from ..batch_rotations import (

[docs] def batch_dq_conj(dqs): """Conjugate of dual quaternions. There are three different conjugates for dual quaternions. The one that we use here converts (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) to (pw, -px, -py, -pz, -qw, qx, qy, qz). It is a combination of the quaternion conjugate and the dual number conjugate. Parameters ---------- dqs : array-like, shape (..., 8) Dual quaternions to represent transforms: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) Returns ------- dq_conjugates : array-like, shape (..., 8) Conjugates of dual quaternions: (pw, -px, -py, -pz, -qw, qx, qy, qz) """ out = np.empty_like(dqs) out[..., 0] = dqs[..., 0] out[..., 1:5] = -dqs[..., 1:5] out[..., 5:] = dqs[..., 5:] return out
[docs] def batch_dq_q_conj(dqs): """Quaternion conjugate of dual quaternions. For unit dual quaternions that represent transformations, this function is equivalent to the inverse of the corresponding transformation matrix. Parameters ---------- dqs : array-like, shape (..., 8) Unit dual quaternion to represent transform: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) Returns ------- dq_q_conjugates : array, shape (..., 8) Conjugate of dual quaternion: (pw, -px, -py, -pz, qw, -qx, -qy, -qz) See Also -------- pytransform3d.transformations.dq_q_conj Quaternion conjugate of dual quaternions. """ out = np.empty_like(dqs) out[..., 0] = dqs[..., 0] out[..., 1:4] = -dqs[..., 1:4] out[..., 4] = dqs[..., 4] out[..., 5:8] = -dqs[..., 5:8] return out
[docs] def batch_concatenate_dual_quaternions(dqs1, dqs2): """Concatenate dual quaternions. Suppose we want to apply two extrinsic transforms given by dual quaternions dq1 and dq2 to a vector v. We can either apply dq2 to v and then dq1 to the result or we can concatenate dq1 and dq2 and apply the result to v. Parameters ---------- dqs1 : array-like, shape (..., 8) Dual quaternions to represent transforms: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) dqs2 : array-like, shape (..., 8) Dual quaternions to represent transforms: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) Returns ------- dqs3 : array, shape (8,) Products of the two batches of dual quaternions: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) """ dqs1 = np.asarray(dqs1) dqs2 = np.asarray(dqs2) out = np.empty_like(dqs1) out[..., :4] = batch_concatenate_quaternions(dqs1[..., :4], dqs2[..., :4]) out[..., 4:] = batch_concatenate_quaternions( dqs1[..., :4], dqs2[..., 4:] ) + batch_concatenate_quaternions(dqs1[..., 4:], dqs2[..., :4]) return out
[docs] def batch_dq_prod_vector(dqs, V): """Apply transforms represented by a dual quaternions to vectors. Parameters ---------- dqs : array-like, shape (..., 8) Unit dual quaternions V : array-like, shape (..., 3) 3d vectors Returns ------- W : array, shape (3,) 3d vectors """ dqs = np.asarray(dqs) v_dqs = np.empty_like(dqs) v_dqs[..., 0] = 1.0 v_dqs[..., 1:5] = 0.0 v_dqs[..., 5:] = V v_dq_transformed = batch_concatenate_dual_quaternions( batch_concatenate_dual_quaternions(dqs, v_dqs), batch_dq_conj(dqs) ) return v_dq_transformed[..., 5:]
[docs] def dual_quaternions_power(dqs, ts): """Compute power of unit dual quaternions with respect to scalar. Parameters ---------- dqs : array-like, shape (..., 8) Unit dual quaternions to represent transform: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) t : array-like, shape (...) Exponent Returns ------- dq_ts : array, shape (..., 8) Unit dual quaternions to represent transform: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) ** t See Also -------- pytransform3d.transformations.dual_quaternion_power : Compute power of unit dual quaternion with respect to scalar. """ q, s_axis, h, theta = screw_parameters_from_dual_quaternions(dqs) return dual_quaternions_from_screw_parameters(q, s_axis, h, theta * ts)
[docs] def dual_quaternions_sclerp(starts, ends, ts): """Screw linear interpolation (ScLERP) for array of dual quaternions. Parameters ---------- starts : array-like, shape (..., 8) Unit dual quaternion to represent start poses: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) end : array-like, shape (..., 8) Unit dual quaternion to represent end poses: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) ts : array-like, shape (...) Positions between starts and goals Returns ------- dq_ts : array, shape (..., 8) Interpolated unit dual quaternion: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) See Also -------- pytransform3d.transformations.dual_quaternion_sclerp : Screw linear interpolation (ScLERP) for dual quaternions. """ starts = np.asarray(starts) ends = np.asarray(ends) ts = np.asarray(ts) if starts.shape != ends.shape: raise ValueError( "The 'starts' and 'ends' arrays must have the same shape." ) if ts.ndim != starts.ndim - 1 or ( ts.ndim > 0 and ts.shape != starts.shape[:-1] ): raise ValueError( "ts array, shape=%s must have the same number of elements as " "starts array, shape=%s" % (ts.shape, starts.shape) ) diffs = batch_concatenate_dual_quaternions(batch_dq_q_conj(starts), ends) powers = dual_quaternions_power(diffs, ts) return batch_concatenate_dual_quaternions(starts, powers)
[docs] def pqs_from_dual_quaternions(dqs): """Get positions and quaternions from dual quaternions. Parameters ---------- dqs : array-like, shape (..., 8) Dual quaternions to represent transforms: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) Returns ------- pqs : array, shape (..., 7) Poses represented by positions and quaternions in the order (x, y, z, qw, qx, qy, qz) """ dqs = np.asarray(dqs) instances_shape = dqs.shape[:-1] out = np.empty(instances_shape + (7,)) out[..., 3:] = dqs[..., :4] out[..., :3] = ( 2 * batch_concatenate_quaternions( dqs[..., 4:], batch_q_conj(out[..., 3:]) )[..., 1:] ) return out
[docs] def screw_parameters_from_dual_quaternions(dqs): """Compute screw parameters from dual quaternions. Parameters ---------- dqs : array-like, shape (..., 8) Unit dual quaternion to represent transform: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) Returns ------- qs : array, shape (..., 3) Vector to a point on the screw axis s_axiss : array, shape (..., 3) Direction vector of the screw axis hs : array, shape (...,) Pitch of the screw. The pitch is the ratio of translation and rotation of the screw axis. Infinite pitch indicates pure translation. thetas : array, shape (...,) Parameter of the transformation: theta is the angle of rotation and h * theta the translation. See Also -------- pytransform3d.transformations.screw_parameters_from_dual_quaternion : Compute screw parameters from dual quaternion. """ reals = dqs[..., :4] duals = dqs[..., 4:] a = axis_angles_from_quaternions(reals) s_axis = np.copy(a[..., :3]) thetas = a[..., 3] translation = ( 2 * batch_concatenate_quaternions(duals, batch_q_conj(reals))[..., 1:] ) # instead of the if/else stamenets in the # screw_parameters_from_dual_quaternion function # we use mask array to enable vectorized operations # the name of the mask represent the according block in # the original function outer_if_mask = np.abs(thetas) < np.finfo(float).eps outer_else_mask = np.logical_not(outer_if_mask) ds = np.linalg.norm(translation, axis=-1) inner_if_mask = ds < np.finfo(float).eps outer_if_inner_if_mask = np.logical_and(outer_if_mask, inner_if_mask) outer_if_inner_else_mask = np.logical_and( outer_if_mask, np.logical_not(inner_if_mask) ) if np.any(outer_if_inner_if_mask): s_axis[outer_if_inner_if_mask] = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if np.any(outer_if_inner_else_mask): s_axis[outer_if_inner_else_mask] = ( translation[outer_if_inner_else_mask] / ds[outer_if_inner_else_mask][..., np.newaxis] ) qs = np.zeros(dqs.shape[:-1] + (3,)) thetas[outer_if_mask] = ds[outer_if_mask] hs = np.full(dqs.shape[:-1], np.inf) if np.any(outer_else_mask): distance = np.einsum( "ij,ij->i", translation[outer_else_mask], s_axis[outer_else_mask] ) moment = 0.5 * ( np.cross(translation[outer_else_mask], s_axis[outer_else_mask]) + ( translation[outer_else_mask] - distance[..., np.newaxis] * s_axis[outer_else_mask] ) / np.tan(0.5 * thetas[outer_else_mask])[..., np.newaxis] ) qs[outer_else_mask] = np.cross(s_axis[outer_else_mask], moment) hs[outer_else_mask] = distance / thetas[outer_else_mask] return qs, s_axis, hs, thetas
[docs] def transforms_from_dual_quaternions(dqs): """Get transformations from dual quaternions. Parameters ---------- dqs : array-like, shape (..., 8) Dual quaternions to represent transforms: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) Returns ------- A2Bs : array, shape (..., 4, 4) Poses represented by homogeneous matrices """ dqs = np.asarray(dqs) instances_shape = dqs.shape[:-1] out = np.empty(instances_shape + (4, 4)) out[..., :3, :3] = matrices_from_quaternions(dqs[..., :4]) out[..., :3, 3] = ( 2 * batch_concatenate_quaternions( dqs[..., 4:], batch_q_conj(dqs[..., :4]) )[..., 1:] ) out[..., 3, :3] = 0.0 out[..., 3, 3] = 1.0 return out