API Documentation#
This is the detailed documentation of all public classes and functions. You can also search for specific modules, classes, or functions in the Index.
Rotations in three dimensions - SO(3).
See SO(3): 3D Rotations for more information.
Rotation Matrix#
Input validation of a rotation matrix. |
Check if a rotation matrix needs renormalization. |
Orthonormalize rotation matrix. |
Orthonormalize rotation matrix with robust polar decomposition. |
Generate random rotation matrix. |
Plot basis of a rotation matrix. |
Raise an assertion if a matrix is not a rotation matrix. |
Spherical linear interpolation (SLERP) for rotation matrices. |
Compute power of a rotation matrix with respect to scalar. |
Compute passive rotation matrix from rotation about basis vector. |
Compute active rotation matrix from rotation about basis vector. |
Compute rotation matrix from two vectors. |
General method to compute active rotation matrix from any Euler angles. |
Compute rotation matrix from axis-angle. |
Compute rotation matrix from compact axis-angle. |
Compute rotation matrix from quaternion. |
Compute rotation matrix from rotor. |
Euler Angles#
Check if Euler angles are close to gimbal lock. |
Normalize Euler angle range. |
Raise an assertion if two Euler angles are not approximately equal. |
General method to extract any Euler angles from quaternions. |
General method to extract any Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Input validation of axis-angle representation. |
Input validation of compact axis-angle representation. |
Check if angle of compact axis-angle representation is near pi. |
Normalize axis-angle representation. |
Normalize compact axis-angle representation. |
Generate random axis-angle. |
Generate random compact axis-angle. |
Plot rotation axis and angle. |
Raise an assertion if two axis-angle are not approximately equal. |
Raise an assertion if two axis-angle are not approximately equal. |
Spherical linear interpolation. |
Compute axis-angle representation from two direction vectors. |
Compute axis-angle from rotation matrix. |
Compute axis-angle from quaternion. |
Compute axis-angle from compact axis-angle representation. |
Compute axis-angle representation from modified Rodrigues parameters. |
Compute 3-dimensional axis-angle from a 4-dimensional one. |
Compute compact axis-angle from rotation matrix. |
Compute compact axis-angle from quaternion (logarithmic map). |
Logarithm of Rotation#
Input validation of a skew-symmetric matrix. |
Input validation of a skew-symmetric matrix. |
Generate the cross-product matrix of a vector. |
Generate the cross-product matrix of a vector. |
Input validation of quaternion representation. |
Input validation of quaternion representation. |
Check if a unit quaternion requires renormalization. |
Create another quaternion that represents the same orientation. |
Resolve quaternion ambiguity and pick the closest one to the target. |
Generate random quaternion. |
Raise an assertion if two quaternions are not approximately equal. |
Concatenate two quaternions. |
Apply rotation represented by a quaternion to a vector. |
Conjugate of quaternion. |
Spherical linear interpolation. |
Compute distance between two quaternions. |
Compute the rotation in angle-axis format that rotates q2 into q1. |
Time-derivatives of a sequence of quaternions. |
Integrate angular velocities to quaternions. |
Compute quaternion from rotation about basis vector. |
General conversion to quaternion from any Euler angles. |
Compute quaternion from rotation matrix. |
Compute quaternion from axis-angle. |
Compute quaternion from compact axis-angle (exponential map). |
Compute quaternion from modified Rodrigues parameters. |
Converts from w, x, y, z to x, y, z, w convention. |
Converts from x, y, z, w to w, x, y, z convention. |
Input validation of rotor. |
Plot bivector from wedge product of two vectors a and b. |
Outer product of two vectors (also exterior or wedge product). |
Convert bivector to normal vector of a plane. |
Geometric product of two vectors. |
Concatenate rotors. |
Invert rotor. |
Apply rotor to vector. |
Spherical linear interpolation. |
Construct the rotor that rotates one vector to another. |
Compute rotor from plane bivector and angle. |
Modified Rodrigues Parameters#
Input validation of modified Rodrigues parameters. |
Check if modified Rodrigues parameters are close to singularity. |
Normalize angle of modified Rodrigues parameters to range [-pi, pi]. |
Raise an assertion if two MRPs are not approximately equal. |
Other modified Rodrigues parameters representing the same orientation. |
Concatenate two rotations defined by modified Rodrigues parameters. |
Apply rotation represented by MRPs to a vector. |
Compute modified Rodrigues parameters from axis-angle representation. |
Compute modified Rodrigues parameters from quaternion. |
Left Jacobian of SO(3) at theta (angle of rotation). |
Left Jacobian of SO(3) at theta from Taylor series. |
Inverse left Jacobian of SO(3) at theta (angle of rotation). |
Inverse left Jacobian of SO(3) at theta from Taylor series. |
Utility Functions#
Normalize angle to (-pi, pi]. |
Normalize vector. |
Compute perpendicular vector to two other vectors. |
Compute angle between two vectors. |
Orthogonal projection of vector a on vector b. |
Compute two basis vectors of a plane from the plane's normal vector. |
Generate an nd vector with normally distributed components. |
Deprecated Functions#
Compute quaternion from extrinsic xyz Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic xzx Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic xzx Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic xyx Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic xyx Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic yxy Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic yxy Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic yzy Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic yzy Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic zyz Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic zyz Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic zxz Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic zxz Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic xzy Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic xzy Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic xyz Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic xyz Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic yxz Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic yxz Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic yzx Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic yzx Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic zyx Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic zyx Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from intrinsic zxy Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic zxy Cardan angles. |
Compute active rotation matrix from extrinsic roll, pitch, and yaw. |
Compute intrinsic xzx Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic xzx Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic xyx Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic xyx Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic yxy Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic yxy Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic yzy Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic yzy Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic zyz Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic zyz Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic zxz Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic zxz Euler angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic xzy Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic xzy Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic xyz Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic xyz Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic yxz Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic yxz Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic yzx Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic yzx Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic zyx Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic zyx Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute intrinsic zxy Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Compute extrinsic zxy Cardan angles from active rotation matrix. |
Transformations in three dimensions - SE(3).
See SE(3): 3D Transformations for more information.
Transformation Matrix#
Input validation of transform. |
Check if transformation matrix requires renormalization. |
Generate random transform. |
Concatenate transformations. |
Invert transform. |
Transform point or list of points or directions. |
Convert 3D vector to position. |
Convert 3D vectors to positions. |
Convert 3D vector to direction. |
Convert 3D vectors to directions. |
Compute power of a transformation matrix with respect to scalar. |
Screw linear interpolation (ScLERP) for transformation matrices. |
Compute adjoint representation of a transformation matrix. |
Plot transform. |
Raise an assertion if the transform is not a homogeneous matrix. |
Make transformation from rotation matrix and translation. |
Sets the translation of a transform. |
Sets the rotation of a transform. |
Compute transformation matrix from position and quaternion. |
Compute transformation matrix from exponential coordinates. |
Compute transformation from matrix logarithm of transformation. |
Compute transformation matrix from dual quaternion. |
Position and Quaternion#
Input validation for position and orientation quaternion. |
Spherical linear interpolation of position and quaternion. |
Compute position and quaternion from transformation matrix. |
Compute position and quaternion from dual quaternion. |
Screw Parameters#
Input validation of screw parameters. |
Plot transformation about and along screw axis. |
Raise an assertion if two sets of screw parameters are not similar. |
Compute screw parameters from screw axis. |
Compute screw parameters from dual quaternion. |
Screw Axis#
Input validation of screw axis. |
Generate random screw axis. |
Compute screw axis representation from screw parameters. |
Compute screw axis and theta from exponential coordinates. |
Compute screw axis from screw matrix. |
Exponential Coordinates#
Input validation for exponential coordinates of transformation. |
Normalize exponential coordinates of transformation. |
Generate random exponential coordinates. |
Raise an assertion if exp. |
Compute exponential coordinates from transformation matrix. |
Compute exponential coordinates from screw axis and theta. |
Compute exponential coordinates from logarithm of transformation. |
Screw Matrix#
Input validation for screw matrix. |
Compute screw matrix from screw axis. |
Compute screw matrix from logarithm of transformation. |
Logarithm of Transformation#
Input validation for logarithm of transformation. |
Compute matrix logarithm of transformation from exponential coordinates. |
Compute matrix logarithm of transformation from screw matrix and theta. |
Compute matrix logarithm of transformation from transformation. |
Dual Quaternion#
Input validation of dual quaternion representation. |
Check if dual quaternion requires renormalization. |
Normalize unit dual quaternion. |
Compute squared norm of dual quaternion. |
Raise an assertion if the dual quaternion does not have unit norm. |
Raise an assertion if unit dual quaternions are not approximately equal. |
Create another dual quaternion that represents the same transformation. |
Conjugate of dual quaternion. |
Quaternion conjugate of dual quaternion. |
Concatenate dual quaternions. |
Apply transform represented by a dual quaternion to a vector. |
Compute power of unit dual quaternion with respect to scalar. |
Screw linear interpolation (ScLERP) for dual quaternions. |
Compute dual quaternion from transformation matrix. |
Compute dual quaternion from position and quaternion. |
Compute dual quaternion from screw parameters. |
Left Jacobian of SE(3). |
Left Jacobian of SE(3) at theta from Taylor series. |
Left inverse Jacobian of SE(3). |
Left inverse Jacobian of SE(3) at theta from Taylor series. |
Deprecated Functions#
Scale a transform from A to reference frame B. |
Batch operations on rotations in three dimensions - SO(3).
Conversions from this module operate on batches of orientations or rotations and can be orders of magnitude faster than a loop of individual conversions.
All functions operate on nd arrays, where the last dimension (vectors) or the last two dimensions (matrices) contain individual rotations.
Rotation Matrices#
Compute active rotation matrices from rotation about basis vectors. |
Compute active rotation matrices from intrinsic Euler angles. |
Compute active rotation matrices from extrinsic Euler angles. |
Compute rotation matrices from compact axis-angle representations. |
Compute rotation matrices from quaternions. |
Axis-Angle Representation#
Normalize axis-angle representation. |
Compute compact axis-angle representations from rotation matrices. |
Compute axis-angle from quaternion. |
Generate the cross-product matrices of vectors. |
Concatenate two batches of quaternions. |
Conjugate of quaternions. |
Spherical linear interpolation for a batch of steps. |
Smooth quaternion trajectory. |
Compute quaternions from rotation matrices. |
Converts from x, y, z, w to w, x, y, z convention. |
Converts from w, x, y, z to x, y, z, w convention. |
Utility Functions#
Normalize vectors. |
Compute angle between two vectors. |
Trajectories in three dimensions - SE(3).
Conversions from this module operate on batches of poses or transformations and can be 400 to 1000 times faster than a loop of individual conversions.
Transformation Matrices#
Generate random trajectories. |
Invert transforms. |
Concatenate transformation A2B with multiple transformations B2C. |
Concatenate multiple transformations A2B with transformation B2C. |
Concatenate multiple transformations A2B with transformation B2C. |
Concatenate multiple transformations A2B,B2C with different shapes. |
Get sequence of homogeneous matrices from positions and quaternions. |
Compute transformations from exponential coordinates. |
Get transformations from dual quaternions. |
Positions and Quaternions#
Plot pose trajectory. |
Get sequence of positions and quaternions from homogeneous matrices. |
Get positions and quaternions from dual quaternions. |
Screw Parameters#
Compute screw parameters from dual quaternions. |
Exponential Coordinates#
Switch to the other representation of the same transformation. |
Compute exponential coordinates from transformations. |
Dual Quaternions#
Conjugate of dual quaternions. |
Quaternion conjugate of dual quaternions. |
Concatenate dual quaternions. |
Apply transforms represented by a dual quaternions to vectors. |
Get dual quaternions from positions and quaternions. |
Compute power of unit dual quaternions with respect to scalar. |
Screw linear interpolation (ScLERP) for array of dual quaternions. |
Compute dual quaternions from arrays of screw parameters. |
Operations related to uncertain transformations.
See Uncertainty in Transformations for more information.
Estimate Gaussian distribution over rotations from samples. |
Estimate Gaussian distribution over transformations from samples. |
Compute the Fréchet mean of samples on a smooth Riemannian manifold. |
Invert uncertain transform. |
Concatenate two independent globally uncertain transformations. |
Concatenate two independent locally uncertain transformations. |
Fuse Gaussian distributions of multiple poses. |
Compute error ellipsoid. |
Compute projected error ellipsoid. |
Plots projected equiprobable ellipsoid in 3D. |
Conversions between coordinate systems to represent positions.
Convert cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates. |
Convert spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates. |
Convert Cartesian coordinates to cylindrical coordinates. |
Convert spherical coordinates to cylindrical coordinates. |
Convert Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates. |
Convert cylindrical coordinates to spherical coordinates. |
Manage complex chains of transformations.
See Organizing Transformations in a Graph for more information.
Base class for all graphs of rigid transformations. |
Manage transformations between frames. |
Manage time-varying transformations. |
Time-varying rigid transformation. |
Transformation, which does not change over time. |
Transformation sequence, represented in a numpy array. |
Modify transformations visually.
GUI to edit transformations. |
Load transformations from URDF files.
See Organizing Transformations in a Graph for more information.
Transformation manager that can load URDF files. |
Link from URDF file. |
Joint from URDF file. |
Geometrical object. |
Geometrical object: box. |
Geometrical object: sphere. |
Geometrical object: cylinder. |
Geometrical object: mesh. |
Parse information from URDF file. |
Initializes transform manager from previously parsed URDF data. |
Transformations related to cameras.
See Camera for more information.
Generate grid in world coordinate frame. |
Generate line in world coordinate frame. |
Project points from 3D camera coordinate system to sensor plane. |
Project points from 2D sensor plane to image coordinate system. |
Project points from 3D world coordinate system to 2D image. |
Plot camera in world coordinates. |
Utilities for plotting.
Generate new 3D axis. |
Remove axis and scale bbox. |
Plot Vector. |
Plot length with text at its center. |
Plot box. |
Plot sphere. |
Plot multiple spheres. |
Plot cylinder. |
Plot mesh. |
Plot ellipsoid. |
Plot capsule. |
Plot cone. |
A Matplotlib patch that represents an arrow in 3D. |
A Matplotlib artist that displays a frame represented by its basis. |
Displays a frame represented by its basis with axis labels. |
A Matplotlib artist that displays a trajectory. |
A Matplotlib artist that displays a camera. |
Optional 3D renderer based on Open3D’s visualizer.
Create a new figure. |
The top level container for all the plot elements. |
Abstract base class for objects that can be rendered. |
A line. |
Collection of points. |
A vector. |
Coordinate frame. |
Trajectory of poses. |
Sphere. |
Box. |
Cylinder. |
Mesh. |
Ellipsoid. |
Capsule. |
Cone. |
Plane. |
Graph of connected frames. |
Camera. |