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ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta Class Reference

#include <EnvironmentXYZTheta.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta:
Collaboration graph


struct  Distance
struct  EnvironmentXYZThetaException
struct  Hash
struct  PlannerData
struct  ThetaNode

Public Types

typedef traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityGenerator3d::MLGrid MLGrid

Public Member Functions

bool obstacleCheck (const maps::grid::Vector3d &pos, double theta, const ObstacleMapGenerator3D &obsGen, const traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityConfig &travConf, const sbpl_spline_primitives::SplinePrimitivesConfig &splineConf, const std::string &nodeName="node")
 EnvironmentXYZTheta (std::shared_ptr< MLGrid > mlsGrid, const traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityConfig &travConf, const sbpl_spline_primitives::SplinePrimitivesConfig &primitiveConfig, const Mobility &mobilityConfig)
virtual ~EnvironmentXYZTheta ()
void updateMap (std::shared_ptr< MLGrid > mlsGrid)
void setInitialPatch (const Eigen::Affine3d &ground2Mls, double patchRadius)
virtual bool InitializeEnv (const char *sEnvFile)
virtual bool InitializeMDPCfg (MDPConfig *MDPCfg)
void expandMap (const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &positions)
std::shared_ptr< trajectory_follower::SubTrajectory > findTrajectoryOutOfObstacle (const Eigen::Vector3d &start, double theta, const Eigen::Affine3d &ground2Body)
virtual int GetFromToHeuristic (int FromStateID, int ToStateID)
 heuristic estimate from state FromStateID to state ToStateID More...
virtual int GetStartHeuristic (int stateID)
 heuristic estimate from start state to state with stateID More...
virtual int GetGoalHeuristic (int stateID)
 heuristic estimate from state with stateID to goal state More...
virtual void GetPreds (int TargetStateID, std::vector< int > *PredIDV, std::vector< int > *CostV)
virtual void GetSuccs (int SourceStateID, std::vector< int > *SuccIDV, std::vector< int > *CostV)
virtual void GetSuccs (int SourceStateID, std::vector< int > *SuccIDV, std::vector< int > *CostV, std::vector< size_t > &motionIdV)
virtual void PrintEnv_Config (FILE *fOut)
virtual void PrintState (int stateID, bool bVerbose, FILE *fOut=0)
virtual void SetAllActionsandAllOutcomes (CMDPSTATE *state)
virtual void SetAllPreds (CMDPSTATE *state)
virtual int SizeofCreatedEnv ()
void setStart (const Eigen::Vector3d &startPos, double theta)
void setGoal (const Eigen::Vector3d &goalPos, double theta)
maps::grid::Vector3d getStatePosition (const int stateID) const
const MotiongetMotion (const int fromStateID, const int toStateID)
const maps::grid::TraversabilityMap3d< traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode * > & getTraversabilityMap () const
const maps::grid::TraversabilityMap3d< traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode * > & getObstacleMap () const
traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityGenerator3d & getTravGen ()
traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityGenerator3d & getObstacleGen ()
const MLGridgetMlsMap () const
std::vector< MotiongetMotions (const std::vector< int > &stateIDPath)
void getTrajectory (const std::vector< int > &stateIDPath, std::vector< trajectory_follower::SubTrajectory > &result, bool setZToZero, const Eigen::Vector3d &startPos, const Eigen::Vector3d &goalPos, const double &goalHeading, const Eigen::Affine3d &plan2Body=Eigen::Affine3d::Identity())
const PreComputedMotionsgetAvailableMotions () const
void clear ()
void setTravConfig (const traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityConfig &cfg)
void dijkstraComputeCost (const traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode *source, std::vector< double > &outDistances, const double maxDist) const
void enablePathStatistics (bool enable)

Public Attributes

Eigen::Vector3d robotHalfSize

Protected Types

typedef maps::grid::TraversabilityNode< PlannerDataXYZNode

Protected Member Functions

ThetaNodecreateNewState (const DiscreteTheta &curTheta, EnvironmentXYZTheta::XYZNode *curNode)
XYZNodecreateNewXYZState (traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode *travNode)
ThetaNodecreateNewStateFromPose (const std::string &name, const Eigen::Vector3d &pos, double theta, ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::XYZNode **xyzBackNode)
bool checkStartGoalNode (const std::string &name, traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode *node, double theta)
traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode * findObstacleNode (const traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode *travNode) const

Protected Attributes

traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityGenerator3d travGen
ObstacleMapGenerator3D obsGen
std::shared_ptr< MLGridmlsGrid
maps::grid::TraversabilityMap3d< XYZNode * > searchGrid
std::vector< HashidToHash
std::vector< DistancetravNodeIdToDistance
PreComputedMotions availableMotions
traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode * obstacleStartNode

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ MLGrid

typedef traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityGenerator3d::MLGrid ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::MLGrid

◆ XYZNode

typedef maps::grid::TraversabilityNode<PlannerData> ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::XYZNode

A position on the traversability map

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EnvironmentXYZTheta()

ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::EnvironmentXYZTheta ( std::shared_ptr< MLGrid mlsGrid,
const traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityConfig &  travConf,
const sbpl_spline_primitives::SplinePrimitivesConfig &  primitiveConfig,
const Mobility mobilityConfig 
generateDebugDataIf true, lots of debug information will becollected and stored in members starting with debug
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~EnvironmentXYZTheta()

ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::~EnvironmentXYZTheta ( )
Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkStartGoalNode()

bool ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::checkStartGoalNode ( const std::string &  name,
traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode *  node,
double  theta 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clear()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::clear ( )

Clears the state of the environment. Clears everything except the mls map.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createNewState()

EnvironmentXYZTheta::ThetaNode * ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::createNewState ( const DiscreteTheta curTheta,
EnvironmentXYZTheta::XYZNode curNode 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createNewStateFromPose()

EnvironmentXYZTheta::ThetaNode * ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::createNewStateFromPose ( const std::string &  name,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  pos,
double  theta,
ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::XYZNode **  xyzBackNode 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createNewXYZState()

EnvironmentXYZTheta::XYZNode * ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::createNewXYZState ( traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode *  travNode)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dijkstraComputeCost()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::dijkstraComputeCost ( const traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode *  source,
std::vector< double > &  outDistances,
const double  maxDist 
) const
maxDistThe value that should be used as maximum distance. This value is used for non-traversable nodes and for initialization.

◆ enablePathStatistics()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::enablePathStatistics ( bool  enable)

Should a computationally expensive obstacle check be done to check whether the robot bounding box is in collision with obstacles. This mode is useful for highly cluttered and tight spaced environments

◆ expandMap()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::expandMap ( const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &  positions)

Expand the underlying travmap and obstacle map starting from all given positions.

◆ findObstacleNode()

traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode * ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::findObstacleNode ( const traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode *  travNode) const

Find the obstacle node corresponding to travNode

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ findTrajectoryOutOfObstacle()

std::shared_ptr< SubTrajectory > ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::findTrajectoryOutOfObstacle ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  start,
double  theta,
const Eigen::Affine3d &  ground2Body 

Returns the trajectory of least resistance to leave the obstacle.

startstart position that is inside an obstacle
thetarobot orientation
[out]outNewStartThe new start position of the robot after it has moved out of the obstacle in the map frame
the best trajectory that gets the robot out of the obstacle. Or an empty trajectory if no way out can be found
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getAvailableMotions()

const PreComputedMotions & ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::getAvailableMotions ( ) const

◆ GetFromToHeuristic()

int ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::GetFromToHeuristic ( int  FromStateID,
int  ToStateID 

heuristic estimate from state FromStateID to state ToStateID

◆ GetGoalHeuristic()

int ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::GetGoalHeuristic ( int  stateID)

heuristic estimate from state with stateID to goal state

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getMlsMap()

const EnvironmentXYZTheta::MLGrid & ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::getMlsMap ( ) const

◆ getMotion()

const Motion & ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::getMotion ( const int  fromStateID,
const int  toStateID 

returns the motion connection fromStateID and toStateID.

std::runtime_errorif no matching motion exists
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMotions()

vector< Motion > ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::getMotions ( const std::vector< int > &  stateIDPath)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getObstacleGen()

traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityGenerator3d & ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::getObstacleGen ( )

◆ getObstacleMap()

const maps::grid::TraversabilityMap3d< traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode * > & ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::getObstacleMap ( ) const

◆ GetPreds()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::GetPreds ( int  TargetStateID,
std::vector< int > *  PredIDV,
std::vector< int > *  CostV 

◆ GetStartHeuristic()

int ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::GetStartHeuristic ( int  stateID)

heuristic estimate from start state to state with stateID

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getStatePosition()

maps::grid::Vector3d ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::getStatePosition ( const int  stateID) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSuccs() [1/2]

virtual void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::GetSuccs ( int  SourceStateID,
std::vector< int > *  SuccIDV,
std::vector< int > *  CostV 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSuccs() [2/2]

virtual void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::GetSuccs ( int  SourceStateID,
std::vector< int > *  SuccIDV,
std::vector< int > *  CostV,
std::vector< size_t > &  motionIdV 

◆ getTrajectory()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::getTrajectory ( const std::vector< int > &  stateIDPath,
std::vector< trajectory_follower::SubTrajectory > &  result,
bool  setZToZero,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  startPos,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  goalPos,
const double &  goalHeading,
const Eigen::Affine3d &  plan2Body = Eigen::Affine3d::Identity() 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getTraversabilityMap()

const maps::grid::TraversabilityMap3d< traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode * > & ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::getTraversabilityMap ( ) const

◆ getTravGen()

traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityGenerator3d & ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::getTravGen ( )

◆ InitializeEnv()

bool ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::InitializeEnv ( const char *  sEnvFile)

◆ InitializeMDPCfg()

bool ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::InitializeMDPCfg ( MDPConfig *  MDPCfg)

◆ obstacleCheck()

bool ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::obstacleCheck ( const maps::grid::Vector3d &  pos,
double  theta,
const ObstacleMapGenerator3D obsGen,
const traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityConfig &  travConf,
const sbpl_spline_primitives::SplinePrimitivesConfig &  splineConf,
const std::string &  nodeName = "node" 
posPosition in map frame
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PrintEnv_Config()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::PrintEnv_Config ( FILE *  fOut)

◆ PrintState()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::PrintState ( int  stateID,
bool  bVerbose,
FILE *  fOut = 0 

◆ SetAllActionsandAllOutcomes()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::SetAllActionsandAllOutcomes ( CMDPSTATE *  state)

◆ SetAllPreds()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::SetAllPreds ( CMDPSTATE *  state)

◆ setGoal()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::setGoal ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  goalPos,
double  theta 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setInitialPatch()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::setInitialPatch ( const Eigen::Affine3d &  ground2Mls,
double  patchRadius 

◆ setStart()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::setStart ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  startPos,
double  theta 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setTravConfig()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::setTravConfig ( const traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityConfig &  cfg)

◆ SizeofCreatedEnv()

int ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::SizeofCreatedEnv ( )

◆ updateMap()

void ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::updateMap ( std::shared_ptr< MLGrid mlsGrid)
Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ availableMotions

PreComputedMotions ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::availableMotions

◆ goalThetaNode

ThetaNode* ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::goalThetaNode

◆ goalXYZNode

XYZNode* ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::goalXYZNode

◆ idToHash

std::vector<Hash> ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::idToHash

maps sbpl state ids to internal planner state (Hash).

◆ mlsGrid

std::shared_ptr<MLGrid > ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::mlsGrid

◆ obsGen

ObstacleMapGenerator3D ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::obsGen

◆ obstacleStartNode

traversability_generator3d::TravGenNode* ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::obstacleStartNode

Start node in obstacle map

◆ robotHalfSize

Eigen::Vector3d ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::robotHalfSize

◆ searchGrid

maps::grid::TraversabilityMap3d<XYZNode *> ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::searchGrid

◆ startThetaNode

ThetaNode* ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::startThetaNode

◆ startXYZNode

XYZNode* ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::startXYZNode

◆ travGen

traversability_generator3d::TraversabilityGenerator3d ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::travGen

◆ travNodeIdToDistance

std::vector<Distance> ugv_nav4d::EnvironmentXYZTheta::travNodeIdToDistance

Contains the distance from each travNode to start-node and goal-node Stored in real-world coordinates (i.e. do NOT scale with gridResolution before use)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: