Probabilistic Product of Exponentials

We compute the probabilistic forward kinematics of a robot with flexible links or joints and visualize the projected equiprobably ellipsoid of the end-effector’s pose distribution.

The end-effector’s pose distribution is computed based on the probabilistic product of exponentials (PPOE):

Meyer, Strobl, Triebel: The Probabilistic Robot Kinematics Model and its Application to Sensor Fusion,

vis probabilistic robot kinematics
import os
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cbook
import open3d as o3d
from pytransform3d.urdf import UrdfTransformManager
import pytransform3d.transformations as pt
import pytransform3d.trajectories as ptr
import pytransform3d.uncertainty as pu
import pytransform3d.visualizer as pv

class ProbabilisticRobotKinematics(UrdfTransformManager):
    """Probabilistic robot kinematics.

    robot_urdf : str
        URDF description of robot

    ee_frame : str
        Name of the end-effector frame

    base_frame : str
        Name of the base frame

    joint_names : list
        Names of joints in order from base to end effector

    mesh_path : str, optional (default: None)
        Path in which we search for meshes that are defined in the URDF.
        Meshes will be ignored if it is set to None and no 'package_dir'
        is given.

    package_dir : str, optional (default: None)
        Some URDFs start file names with 'package://' to refer to the ROS
        package in which these files (textures, meshes) are located. This
        variable defines to which path this prefix will be resolved.
    def __init__(self, robot_urdf, ee_frame, base_frame, joint_names,
                 mesh_path=None, package_dir=None):
        super(ProbabilisticRobotKinematics, self).__init__(check=False)
        self.load_urdf(robot_urdf, mesh_path=mesh_path,
        self.ee2base_home, self.screw_axes_home = \
            self._get_screw_axes(ee_frame, base_frame, joint_names)
        self.joint_limits = np.array([
            self.get_joint_limits(jn) for jn in joint_names])

    def _get_screw_axes(self, ee_frame, base_frame, joint_names):
        """Get screw axes of joints in space frame at robot's home position.

        ee_frame : str
            Name of the end-effector frame

        base_frame : str
            Name of the base frame

        joint_names : list
            Names of joints in order from base to end effector

        ee2base_home : array, shape (4, 4)
            The home configuration (position and orientation) of the

        screw_axes_home : array, shape (n_joints, 6)
            The joint screw axes in the space frame when the manipulator is at
            the home position.
        ee2base_home = self.get_transform(ee_frame, base_frame)
        screw_axes_home = []
        for jn in joint_names:
            ln, _, _, s_axis, limits, joint_type = self._joints[jn]
            link2base = self.get_transform(ln, base_frame)
            s_axis =[:3, :3], s_axis)
            q = link2base[:3, 3]

            if joint_type == "revolute":
                h = 0.0
            elif joint_type == "prismatic":
                h = np.inf
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Joint type %s not supported." % joint_type)

            screw_axis = pt.screw_axis_from_screw_parameters(q, s_axis, h)
        screw_axes_home = np.row_stack(screw_axes_home)
        return ee2base_home, screw_axes_home

    def probabilistic_forward_kinematics(self, thetas, covs):
        """Compute probabilistic forward kinematics.

        This is based on the probabilistic product of exponentials.

        thetas : array, shape (n_joints,)
            A list of joint coordinates.

        covs : array, shape (n_joints, 6, 6)
            Covariances of joint transformations.

        ee2base : array, shape (4, 4)
            A homogeneous transformation matrix representing the end-effector
            frame when the joints are at the specified coordinates.

        cov : array, shape (6, 6)
            Covariance of the pose in tangent space.
        assert len(thetas) == self.screw_axes_home.shape[0]
        thetas = np.clip(
            thetas, self.joint_limits[:, 0], self.joint_limits[:, 1])

        Sthetas = self.screw_axes_home * thetas[:, np.newaxis]
        joint_displacements = ptr.transforms_from_exponential_coordinates(

        T = np.eye(4)
        cov = np.zeros((6, 6))
        for i in range(len(thetas)):
            T, cov = pu.concat_locally_uncertain_transforms(
                joint_displacements[i], T, covs[i], cov)

        T =
        ad = pt.adjoint_from_transform(self.ee2base_home)
        cov =

        return T, cov

class Surface(pv.Artist):

    x : array, shape (n_steps, n_steps)
        Coordinates on x-axis of grid on surface.

    y : array, shape (n_steps, n_steps)
        Coordinates on y-axis of grid on surface.

    z : array, shape (n_steps, n_steps)
        Coordinates on z-axis of grid on surface.

    c : array-like, shape (3,), optional (default: None)
    def __init__(self, x, y, z, c=None):
        self.c = c
        self.mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh()
        self.set_data(x, y, z)

    def set_data(self, x, y, z):
        """Update data.

        x : array, shape (n_steps, n_steps)
            Coordinates on x-axis of grid on surface.

        y : array, shape (n_steps, n_steps)
            Coordinates on y-axis of grid on surface.

        z : array, shape (n_steps, n_steps)
            Coordinates on z-axis of grid on surface.
        polys = np.stack([cbook._array_patch_perimeters(a, 1, 1)
                          for a in (x, y, z)], axis=-1)
        vertices = polys.reshape(-1, 3)
        triangles = (
            [[4 * i + 0, 4 * i + 1, 4 * i + 2] for i in range(len(polys))] +
            [[4 * i + 2, 4 * i + 3, 4 * i + 0] for i in range(len(polys))] +
            [[4 * i + 0, 4 * i + 3, 4 * i + 2] for i in range(len(polys))] +
            [[4 * i + 2, 4 * i + 1, 4 * i + 0] for i in range(len(polys))]
        self.mesh.vertices = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vertices)
        self.mesh.triangles = o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(triangles)
        if self.c is not None:

    def geometries(self):
        """Expose geometries.

        geometries : list
            List of geometries that can be added to the visualizer.
        return [self.mesh]

def animation_callback(
        step, n_frames, tm, graph, joint_names, thetas, covs, surface):
    angle = 0.5 * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * (step / n_frames))
    thetas_t = angle * thetas
    for joint_name, value in zip(joint_names, thetas_t):
        tm.set_joint(joint_name, value)

    T, cov = tm.probabilistic_forward_kinematics(thetas_t, covs)
    x, y, z = pu.to_projected_ellipsoid(T, cov, factor=1, n_steps=50)
    surface.set_data(x, y, z)

    return graph, surface

BASE_DIR = "test/test_data/"
data_dir = BASE_DIR
search_path = "."
while (not os.path.exists(data_dir) and
       os.path.dirname(search_path) != "pytransform3d"):
    search_path = os.path.join(search_path, "..")
    data_dir = os.path.join(search_path, BASE_DIR)
filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "robot_with_visuals.urdf")
with open(filename, "r") as f:
    robot_urdf =

joint_names = ["joint%d" % i for i in range(1, 7)]
tm = ProbabilisticRobotKinematics(
    robot_urdf, "tcp", "linkmount", joint_names, mesh_path=data_dir)

thetas = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0])
for joint_name, theta in zip(joint_names, thetas):
    tm.set_joint(joint_name, theta)

covs = np.zeros((len(thetas), 6, 6))
covs[0] = np.diag([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0])
covs[1] = np.diag([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
covs[2] = np.diag([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
covs[4] = np.diag([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
covs *= 0.05
T, cov = tm.probabilistic_forward_kinematics(thetas, covs)

x, y, z = pu.to_projected_ellipsoid(T, cov, factor=1, n_steps=50)

fig = pv.figure()
graph = fig.plot_graph(tm, "robot_arm", show_visuals=True)
fig.plot_transform(np.eye(4), s=0.3)
surface = Surface(x, y, z, c=(0, 0.5, 0.5))
n_frames = 200
if "__file__" in globals():
    fig.animate(animation_callback, n_frames, loop=True,
                fargs=(n_frames, tm, graph, joint_names, thetas, covs,

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.155 seconds)

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