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Plot Multiple Spheres#
Benchmarks plotting of multiple spheres at once and compares it to plotting each sphere individually.

n_spheres single multi speedup
50 0.0986335277557373 0.07423090934753418 1.3287393165824626
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pytransform3d.plot_utils import plot_sphere, plot_spheres
n_spheres = 50
random_state = np.random.default_rng(0)
P = 2 * random_state.random((n_spheres, 3)) - 1
radii = random_state.random(n_spheres) / 2
colors = random_state.random((n_spheres, 3))
alphas = random_state.random(n_spheres)
start = time.time()
plot_spheres(p=P, radius=radii, color=colors, alpha=alphas, wireframe=False)
end = time.time()
time_multi = end - start
start = time.time()
for p, radius, color, alpha in zip(P, radii, colors, alphas):
plot_sphere(p=p, radius=radius, color=color, alpha=alpha, wireframe=False)
end = time.time()
time_single = end - start
speedup = time_single / time_multi
print("n_spheres", "single", "\t", "multi", "\t", "speedup", sep="\t")
print(n_spheres, "", time_single, time_multi, speedup, sep="\t")
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.103 seconds)