Go to the end to download the full example code.
Managing Transformations over Time#
In this example, given two trajectories of 3D rigid transformations, we will interpolate both and use the transform manager for the target timestep.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pytransform3d import rotations as pr
from pytransform3d import transformations as pt
from pytransform3d.transform_manager import (TemporalTransformManager,
def create_sinusoidal_movement(
duration_sec, sample_period, x_velocity, y_start_offset, start_time):
"""Create a planar (z=0) sinusoidal movement around x-axis."""
time = np.arange(0, duration_sec, sample_period) + start_time
n_steps = len(time)
x = np.linspace(0, x_velocity * duration_sec, n_steps)
spatial_freq = 1.0 / 5.0 # 1 sinus per 5m
omega = 2.0 * np.pi * spatial_freq
y = np.sin(omega * x)
y += y_start_offset
dydx = omega * np.cos(omega * x)
yaw = np.arctan2(dydx, np.ones_like(dydx))
pqs = []
for i in range(n_steps):
R = pr.active_matrix_from_extrinsic_euler_zyx([yaw[i], 0, 0])
T = pt.transform_from(R, [x[i], y[i], 0])
pq = pt.pq_from_transform(T)
return time, np.array(pqs)
# create entities A and B together with their transformations from world
duration = 10.0 # [s]
sample_period = 0.5 # [s]
velocity_x = 1 # [m/s]
time_A, pqs_A = create_sinusoidal_movement(
duration, sample_period, velocity_x, y_start_offset=2.0, start_time=0.1
time_B, pqs_B = create_sinusoidal_movement(
duration, sample_period, velocity_x, y_start_offset=-2.0, start_time=0.35
# package them into an instance of `TimeVaryingTransform` abstract class
transform_WA = NumpyTimeseriesTransform(time_A, pqs_A)
transform_WB = NumpyTimeseriesTransform(time_B, pqs_B)
tm = TemporalTransformManager()
tm.add_transform("A", "world", transform_WA)
tm.add_transform("B", "world", transform_WB)
query_time = 4.9 # [s] or an array of times np.array([4.9, 5.2])
A2B_at_query_time = tm.get_transform_at_time("A", "B", query_time)
# transform the origin of A in A (x=0, y=0, z=0) to B
origin_of_A_pos = pt.vector_to_point([0, 0, 0])
origin_of_A_in_B_xyz = pt.transform(A2B_at_query_time, origin_of_A_pos)[:-1]
# for visualization purposes
pq_A = pt.pq_from_transform(transform_WA.as_matrix(query_time))
pq_B = pt.pq_from_transform(transform_WB.as_matrix(query_time))
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.plot(pqs_A[:, 0], pqs_A[:, 1], "bo--", label="trajectory $A(t)$")
plt.plot(pqs_B[:, 0], pqs_B[:, 1], "yo--", label="trajectory $B(t)$")
plt.scatter(pq_A[0], pq_A[1], color="b", s=120, marker="d",
plt.scatter(pq_B[0], pq_B[1], color="y", s=120, marker="^",
pq_A[0] + 0.3,
pq_A[1] - 0.3,
f"origin of A in B:\n(x={origin_of_A_in_B_xyz[0]:.2f}m,"
+ f" y={origin_of_A_in_B_xyz[1]:.2f}m)",
plt.xlabel("x [m]")
plt.ylabel("y [m]")
plt.xlim(0, 10)
plt.ylim(-5, 5)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.100 seconds)