Plot Random Geometries#

Plotting of several geometric shapes is directly supported by the library.

plot random geometries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pytransform3d.plot_utils import (
    make_3d_axis, plot_box, plot_sphere, plot_cylinder, plot_ellipsoid,
    plot_capsule, plot_cone)
from pytransform3d.transformations import (
    random_transform, plot_transform, translate_transform)

rng = np.random.default_rng(2834)
ax = make_3d_axis(2)

box2origin = random_transform(rng)
size = rng.random(size=3) * 3
plot_transform(ax=ax, A2B=box2origin, s=0.3)
plot_box(ax=ax, A2B=box2origin, size=size, color="b", alpha=0.5,

p = rng.standard_normal(size=3)
radius = float(rng.random())
plot_transform(ax=ax, A2B=translate_transform(np.eye(4), p), s=0.3)
plot_sphere(ax=ax, p=p, radius=radius, color="y", alpha=0.5, wireframe=False)

cylinder2origin = random_transform(rng)
length = float(rng.random()) * 5
radius = float(rng.random())
plot_transform(ax=ax, A2B=cylinder2origin, s=0.3)
plot_cylinder(ax=ax, A2B=cylinder2origin, length=length, radius=radius,
              color="g", alpha=0.5, wireframe=False)

ellipsoid2origin = random_transform(rng)
radii = rng.random(size=3) * 3
plot_transform(ax=ax, A2B=ellipsoid2origin, s=0.3)
plot_ellipsoid(ax=ax, A2B=ellipsoid2origin, radii=radii, color="m", alpha=0.5,

capsule2origin = random_transform(rng)
height = float(rng.random()) * 2
radius = float(rng.random())
plot_transform(ax=ax, A2B=capsule2origin, s=0.3)
plot_capsule(ax=ax, A2B=capsule2origin, height=height, radius=radius,
             color="r", alpha=0.5, wireframe=False)

cone2origin = random_transform(rng)
height = float(rng.random()) * 5
radius = float(rng.random())
plot_transform(ax=ax, A2B=cone2origin, s=0.3)
plot_cone(ax=ax, A2B=cone2origin, height=height, radius=radius, color="c",
          alpha=0.5, wireframe=False)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.108 seconds)

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