
pytransform3d.transformations.pq_from_transform(A2B, strict_check=True)[source]

Compute position and quaternion from transformation matrix.

A2Barray-like, shape (4, 4)

Transformation matrix from frame A to frame B

strict_checkbool, optional (default: True)

Raise a ValueError if the transformation matrix is not numerically close enough to a real transformation matrix. Otherwise we print a warning.

pqarray, shape (7,)

Position and orientation quaternion: (x, y, z, qw, qx, qy, qz)

Examples using pytransform3d.transformations.pq_from_transform

Managing Transformations over Time

Managing Transformations over Time

Managing Transformations over Time
Dual Quaternion Interpolation

Dual Quaternion Interpolation

Dual Quaternion Interpolation