
pytransform3d.transformations.assert_screw_parameters_equal(q1, s_axis1, h1, theta1, q2, s_axis2, h2, theta2, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Raise an assertion if two sets of screw parameters are not similar.

Note that the screw axis can be inverted. In this case theta and h have to be adapted.

q1array, shape (3,)

Vector to a point on the screw axis that is orthogonal to s_axis

s_axis1array, shape (3,)

Unit direction vector of the screw axis


Pitch of the screw. The pitch is the ratio of translation and rotation of the screw axis. Infinite pitch indicates pure translation.


Parameter of the transformation: theta is the angle of rotation and h * theta the translation.

q2array, shape (3,)

Vector to a point on the screw axis that is orthogonal to s_axis

s_axis2array, shape (3,)

Unit direction vector of the screw axis


Pitch of the screw. The pitch is the ratio of translation and rotation of the screw axis. Infinite pitch indicates pure translation.


Parameter of the transformation: theta is the angle of rotation and h * theta the translation.


Positional arguments that will be passed to assert_array_almost_equal


Positional arguments that will be passed to assert_array_almost_equal