
pytransform3d.rotations.plot_axis_angle(ax=None, a=array([1., 0., 0., 0.]), p=array([0., 0., 0.]), s=1.0, ax_s=1, **kwargs)[source]

Plot rotation axis and angle.

axMatplotlib 3d axis, optional (default: None)

If the axis is None, a new 3d axis will be created

aarray-like, shape (4,), optional (default: [1, 0, 0, 0])

Axis of rotation and rotation angle: (x, y, z, angle)

parray-like, shape (3,), optional (default: [0, 0, 0])

Offset from the origin

sfloat, optional (default: 1)

Scaling of the axis and angle that will be drawn

ax_sfloat, optional (default: 1)

Scaling of the new matplotlib 3d axis

kwargsdict, optional (default: {})

Additional arguments for the plotting functions, e.g. alpha

axMatplotlib 3d axis

New or old axis

Examples using pytransform3d.rotations.plot_axis_angle

Axis-Angle Representation of Rotation

Axis-Angle Representation of Rotation

Axis-Angle Representation of Rotation
Axis-Angle Representation from Two Direction Vectors

Axis-Angle Representation from Two Direction Vectors

Axis-Angle Representation from Two Direction Vectors
Euler Angles

Euler Angles

Euler Angles
Compare Various Definitions of Rotations

Compare Various Definitions of Rotations

Compare Various Definitions of Rotations