- pytransform3d.uncertainty.pose_fusion(means, covs)[source]#
Fuse Gaussian distributions of multiple poses.
- Parameters:
- meansarray-like, shape (n_poses, 4, 4)
Homogeneous transformation matrices.
- covsarray-like, shape (n_poses, 6, 6)
Covariances of pose distributions in exponential coordinate space.
- Returns:
- meanarray, shape (4, 4)
Fused pose mean.
- covarray, shape (6, 6)
Fused pose covariance.
- Vfloat
Error of optimization objective.
[1]Barfoot, T. D., Furgale, P. T. (2014). Associating Uncertainty With Three-Dimensional Poses for Use in Estimation Problems. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 30(3), pp. 679-693, doi: 10.1109/TRO.2014.2298059.