- pytransform3d.transformations.assert_unit_dual_quaternion(dq, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Raise an assertion if the dual quaternion does not have unit norm.
See numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal for a more detailed documentation of the other parameters.
- Parameters:
- dqarray-like, shape (8,)
Unit dual quaternion to represent transform: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz)
- argstuple
Positional arguments that will be passed to assert_array_almost_equal
- kwargsdict
Positional arguments that will be passed to assert_array_almost_equal
See also
Input validation of dual quaternion representation. Has an option to normalize the dual quaternion.
Check if normalization is required.
Normalization that enforces unit norm and orthogonality of the real and dual quaternion.