
pytransform3d.transformations.assert_unit_dual_quaternion_equal(dq1, dq2, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Raise an assertion if unit dual quaternions are not approximately equal.

Note that unit dual quaternions are equal either if dq1 == dq2 or if dq1 == -dq2. See numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal for a more detailed documentation of the other parameters.

dq1array-like, shape (8,)

Unit dual quaternion to represent transform: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz)

dq2array-like, shape (8,)

Unit dual quaternion to represent transform: (pw, px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz)


Positional arguments that will be passed to assert_array_almost_equal


Positional arguments that will be passed to assert_array_almost_equal