- pytransform3d.batch_rotations.matrices_from_compact_axis_angles(A=None, axes=None, angles=None, out=None)[source]#
Compute rotation matrices from compact axis-angle representations.
This is called exponential map or Rodrigues’ formula.
This typically results in an active rotation matrix.
- Parameters:
- Aarray-like, shape (…, 3)
Axes of rotation and rotation angles in compact representation: angle * (x, y, z)
- axesarray, shape (…, 3)
If the unit axes of rotation have been precomputed, you can pass them here.
- anglesarray, shape (…)
If the angles have been precomputed, you can pass them here.
- outarray, shape (…, 3, 3), optional (default: new array)
Output array to which we write the result
- Returns:
- Rsarray, shape (…, 3, 3)
Rotation matrices